There are only two roads to going natural which are transitioning or the big chop, each has its pros and cons and therefore it is wise to read around and do your research before you choose which way suits you the most.

When it comes to this journey there is no right or wrong way, it all depends on how you feel, as long as you are happy and comfortable then nothing else matters!.



This is the method of eliminating relaxers and letting your natural hair grow whilst still holding on to your relaxed hair. This way as your natural hair grows you will be having two very different textures with a clear demarcation line where the new curly or kinky natural hair meet the straight hair.

As the main aim is to go completely natural you will ultimately have to let go of the relaxed hair in three main ways.

  • Set a time frame for the transition and when reached you may cut all the relaxed hair.
  • Do mini chops gradually until all the relaxed hair is cut
  • Let the relaxed hair grow out without cutting which will happen definitely as the relaxed strands will not be able to withstand the pressure.

Pros of transitioning 

  • It is not a big change!You will feel normal, still feel like you and you wont be seeing a stranger looking back at you when you stand infront of a mirror. If you are not a fan or rapid changes then this method is is very good for you.
  • Comfortability: for the people who are not comfortable with their hair being short due to various reasons. For a long time i used to not be comfortable with short hair on myself, it just didn’t look right! and that is why i opted to transition when i decided to start a natural hair journey.
  • Ample time to perfect your hair skillsreally you could turn into a guru, having to deal with two different textures of hair is not an easy task, you will inevitably gain a lot of skills in hair care and styling since you will mostly have to do it yourself so as to protect your hair.

Cons of transitioning


  • Takes longer: as the ultimate goal is to become a full natural transitioning is a longer process to get there, you will not be fully natural with the bone straight strands on your head.
  • Clash of textures: This gets very frustrating because almost every style you wear your two textures will stick out like a sore thumb and will significantly affect the final look, just picture coily roots and bone straight ends!.
  • Weakness at the demarcation line: where natural meets  relaxed on a strand poses as a perfect area for breakage, there fore hair will be breaking easily with even a small amount of pressure put to it.


This involves cutting all of the relaxed hair at once and end up with a tiny weenie Afro (TWA) .

Pros of big chop


Photo courtsey of: classykinks.comPros of the Big chop

  • No need to waitinstant and quick, as soon as all your relaxed hair is cut then you are ready for a natural hair adventure
  • A single textureeasier to manage compared to transitioning hair.
  • A fresh startwhich may might be very much needed, the moment you big chop you leave all the damage if any behind, such as split ends, over processed hair etc. Its like a second chance to leave all your mistakes and nightmares behind and start better.

Cons of the big chop


  • Big and immediate difference : in no time you will be having short kinky or coily hair that may be extremely different from your many years previous look.
  • The wait for growth: it will take a long time for your hair to grow long again which may leave you frustrated and doing length checks every day!
  • Finding short hairstyles: challenging especially if you have been having long hair for a long time. You need to learn and practice care for a new hair texture and how to deal with it very fast.

You have the power to make a decision, its all up to you!, evaluate yourself see what you are comfortable with, see what suits you best and go on ahead. If you are ready to go natural then i highly recommend you quickly read on how to start your natural hair journey and then make sure you know and get some of the essential items needed to start your journey.

Wishing you all the best!

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